- The new LPS system is finally here!
- Save and Load System was added to the game.
- Common and Special Upgrades are separated into tabs now.
- Musics added.
- Easter egg :P
- Now, the likes you have are shown in the page title.
- The backgrounds now load faster.
- ???? added.
- Dark theme added.
- "Other games" category has renamed to "More games".
- Icons in options added.
- Link of mobile app changed to Google Drive.
- Improvements at UI of the shop.
- "Other games" category added in options.
- Store display improvements for mobile.
- Material icons fixed in mobile app.
- Improvements in UI (Thanks Jollysixx for suggestions).
- Background added.
- Settings and information are now on separate tabs.
- The "Home" tab has been renamed as "Likes".
- The "Settings" tab has been renamed as "Options".
- Like Clicker For Android download link added to the "Info" tab.
- Option to follow @LikeClicker added in the "Info" tab.
- Option to share the Like Clicker on Twitter added in the "Info" tab.
- The game was temporarily redirected to this address.
- Game favicon added.
- Redesigned store with better viewing on multiple devices.
- Sound effects added.
- Width of the changelog fixed in the mobile.
- Website link fixed in changelog.
- The images were changed by icons from the Material Design Font.
- And many other bugs fixed.
Layout enhancements
- The game layout has been changed to suit various screen sizes.
Bug fixes
- The holding the ENTER key bug on Mozilla Firefox has been fixed.
- Link to the GitHub repository of the game added.
- "+1 Click" and "x2 Clicks" were changed to "+1 DPC" and "x2 DPC".
- Short description of objects when mouseover was added.
Layout enhancements
- The Ultra Fans box is no longer being covered by the footer. (Reported by xanderay04)
Bug fixes
- The bots DPS has been fixed.
- DPS was added.
- DPC was added.
- Ultra Fans was added.
- Link to the subreddit of the game added.
- Upgrades "x2" now double the DPS of the next units.
- The changelog has been updated.
Layout enhancements
- The site now uses Bootstrap. (Suggestion by tarnos12)
- The "Reset" button is further from the "Like" button. (Suggestion by Jim808)
Bug fixes
- The "x2 Clicks" has been fixed. (Reported by Tdarkk, Xfrogman43 and Zepscv)
v0.2.1 (No 0.1.2):
Bug fixes
- The mega fans have been fixed. (Reported by Slackermomrocks and SubliminalNexus)
- Upgrade bugs have been fixed. (Reported by Slackermomrocks and Xfrogman43)
- Language bugs have been fixed. (Reported by paintray98)
- Several other hosting bugs fixed.
Other changes
- My site has now changed host to here. (Suggestion by ivan0x32)
Bug fixes
- The second column of upgrades now appears in Mozilla Firefox. (Reported by Sevaloc)
- The changelog dialog now works in Mozilla Firefox.
- The holding the ENTER key bug has been fixed. (Reported by ArtificialFlavour and Meguri_Kano)
Balancing improvements
- Now upgrades "x2" can only be purchased once.
Other changes
- The warning of insufficient likes is now a lot less annoying.